Data & Tools

Open access is now a standard practice across fields of science. Throughout the years, the UP group led the compilation of datasets and the development of scientific tools across various research projects. Some of these datasets and tools are now common standards in their corresponding field of science. Here, we provide an overview and facilitated access to these datasets and tools, or to their corresponding repository and reference publication.  

Ocean Dynamics, Carbon Fluxes and Biogeochemistry


Ocean SODA-ETHZ is a global gridded dataset of the surface ocean carbonate system for seasonal to decadal studies of ocean acidification.
People involved: Luke Gregor, Nicolas Gruber
Data: external page
Cite as: external page Gregor and Gruber (2021)

OceanSODA-ETHZv2 is a global gridded dataset of the surface ocean carbonate system for seasonal to decadal studies of ocean acidification.
People involved: Luke Gregor, Nicolas Gruber
Cite as: external page Gregor and Gruber (preprint)

external page Surface pCO2 (1982-2011) is a global, monthly, gridded, observation-based pCO2 product from the surface ocean from 1982 to 2011.
People involved: Nicolas Gruber

Decadal Trends in the Oceanic Storage of Anthropogenic Carbon From 1994 to 2014 is a global, observation-based gridded reconstruction of the accumulation of anthropogenic carbon in the ocean interior, resolving two decades between 1994 and 2014.
People involved: Jens Daniel Müller, Nicolas Gruber
Data: external page
Cite as: external page Müller et al. (2023)

Four Decades of Trends and Drivers of Global Surface Ocean Acidification is a global reconstruction of surface ocean acidification trends based on OceanSODA-ETHZ from 1982–2021.
People involved: Danling Ma, Luke Gregor, Nicolas Gruber
Data: external page
Cite as: external page Ma et al. (2023)

Progression of Ocean Interior Acidification over the Industrial Era is a global, observation-based gridded reconstruction of acidification in the ocean interior, derived from the accumulation of anthropogenic carbon.
People involved: Jens Daniel Müller, Nicolas Gruber
Data: XXX
Cite as: external page Müller et al. (preprint)


ROMSOC is a regional atmosphere – ocean coupled model consisting of COSMO, a regional weather forecast model and ROMS. a high resolution regional ocean model.
People involved: Matthias Münnich, Nicolas Gruber, Eike Köhn

ICON is a coupled, high-resolution, Earth-System Model.
People involved: Matthias Münnich, Nicolas Gruber, Aaron Winkers, Emma Ferri, Stella Berzina

external page Ocean Acidification Stripes is web-based visualisation tool which shows how ocean acidification has developed over the last forty years

Ocean Ecology and Biodiversity


external page MAREDAT is a biomass dataset for 11 plankton functional types (PFTs) as well as phytoplankton pigment data. It is among the first initiatives to provide a global gridded data product with coverage of all planktonic components of the global ocean ecosystem.
People involved: Meike Vogt

external page AtlantECO base v1 aims to bring together and harmonize publicly available georeferenced data on the marine microbiome and its functions and stressors or pollutants, following the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Inter-operable, Reusable). The corresponding datasets are retrieved from major data repositories and large-scale expeditions gathered during the past decade, across taxonomic groups and sampling methods, with the aim to generate global data products.
People involved: Fabio Benedetti, Damiano Righetti, Dominic Eriksson, Meike Vogt

external page Biomes defined using self-organizing maps and hierarchical clustering, drawing on the biogeographic patterns of 536 phytoplankton species, projected based on global in situ presence observations and biogeographic extrapolation using statistical species distribution modeling.
People involved: Urs Hofmann Elizondo, Damiano Righetti, Fabio Benedetti, Meike Vog
DOI: external page 10.1594/PANGAEA.933904
Cite as: Hofmann Elizondo, Urs; Righetti, Damiano; Benedetti, Fabio; Vogt, Meike (2021): Phytoplankton based biome identity at sea surface at 1° latitude x 1° longitude resolution, for the annual, seasonal, and monthly scale [dataset]. PANGAEA,


MAPMAKER is an interactive web tool for policy makers that visualizes projected ecosystem impacts and changes in global plankton diversity as a function of societal decisions.
People involved: Aurelie Spadone, Damiano Righetti, Dominic Eriksson, Fabio Benedetti, Meike Vogt

CEPHALOPOD is an open-science tool producing species distribution and diversity estimates, standardized across plankton observation datasets such as occurrences, biomass or metagenomics.
People involved: Alexandre Schickele, Corentin Clerc, Fabio Benedetti, Urs Hofmann Elizondo, Meike Vogt

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